- Root
- Animalia
- Arthropoda
- Insecta
- Pterygota
- Neoptera
- Polyneoptera
- Plecopterida
- Plecoptera
- Arctoperlaria
- Systellognatha
- Perloidea
- Perlodidae
- Isoperlinae
- Isoperla
- Isoperla supersp. burksi
- Isoperla orata Frison, 1942
Isoperla orata Frison, 1942
Colorless Stripetail
Nomenclature (15)
- Isoperla orata Frison, 1942: 323.
Holotype; female; 56a10c20-39df-4e21-9b18-2af474182e45; deposited at: Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS); United States: Tennessee: Gatlinburg, Le Conte Creek: reared from nymph
- Isoperla orata Frison, 1942 in Illies, 1966: 413.
- ... Show all ... (11)
- Isoperla orata Frison, 1942 in Kondratieff, Verdone & Roble, 2017: 26.
- Isoperla orata Frison, 1942 in DeWalt & Snyder, 2017: 73.
Nomenclature references (15)
- DeWalt, R.E. & Snyder, E.D. (2017) Plecoptera of Crane Hollow Nature Preserve, Ohio, comparison to similar efforts. Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 13(6), 70–81. Available at http://illiesia.speciesfile.org/papers/Illiesia13-06.pdf
- DeWalt, R.E., Grubbs, S.A., Armitage, B.J., Baumann, R.W., Clark, S.M. & Bolton, M.J. (2016) Atlas of Ohio Aquatic Insects: Volume II, Plecoptera. 4, e10723: 70 pgs.
- ... Show all ... (11)
- Tarter, D.C., Chaffee, D.L. & Grubbs, S. (2006) Revised checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Kentucky, U.S.A. Entomological News, 117(1), 1–10.
- Zwick, P. (1973) Insecta: Plecoptera Phylogenetisches System und Katalog. Das Tierreich – Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen., 94, 465 pp.
Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
species | 1 | 1 | 0 |