Nomenclature (27)

  • Perla carolinensis Banks, 1905: 215.
  • Nosatura carolinensis (Banks, 1905) in Navás, 1918
  • ... Show all ... (23)
  • Acroneuria carolinensis (Banks, 1905) in Wang, Cao & Liu, 2020: 2777.
  • Acroneuria carolinensis (Banks, 1905) in Hogan & Grubbs, 2022: 399.

Nomenclature references (27)

  • Banks, N. (1905) Descriptions of new species of neuropterous insects from the Black Mountains, N.C. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 21(Art. 12), 215–218. Available at
  • Claassen, P.W. (1940) A catalogue of the Plecoptera of the world. Memoirs of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, 232, 1–235. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (23)
  • DeWalt, R.E. & Heinold, B.D. (2005) Summer emerging Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera of Abrams Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 107(1), 34–48.
  • DeWalt, R.E., Cao, Y., Tweddale, T., Grubbs, S.A., Hinz, L., Pessino, M. & Robinson, J.L. (2012) Ohio USA stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera): species richness estimation, distribution of functional niche traits, drainage affiliations, and relationships to other states. ZooKeys, 178, 1–26. Available at
  • Earle, J.I. (2009) Stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Mount Misery Brook in the New Jersey Pinelands, with Nine New Stonefly Records for New Jersey, U.S.A. Entomological News, 120(2), 157–170. Available at http://
  • Frison, T.H. (1937) II. Descriptions of Plecoptera with special reference to the Illinois Species. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin, 21(3), 78–99. Available at
  • Griffith, M.B. & Perry, S.A. (1992) Plecoptera of Headwater Catchments in the Fernow Experimental Forest, Monongohela National Forest, West Virginia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 94(2), 282–287.
  • Grubbs, S. (2011) A review of stonefly (Insecta; Plecoptera) taxonomic research in Alabama, with new state records and an updated checklist. Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 7(2), 24–30. Available at
  • Grubbs, S.A. (2018) An update on the stonefly fauna (Insecta, Plecoptera) of Maryland, including new and emended state records and an updated state checklist. Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 14(4), 65–80. Available at
  • Hogan, P.N. & Grubbs, S.A. (2022) Distributional Trends and Species Richness of Maryland, USA, Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera), with an Emphasis on the Appalachian Region. Ecologies, 3(3), 395–421.
  • Illies, J. (1966) Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich – Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen., 82, 1–631.
  • Kondratieff, B.C. & Kirchner, R.F. (1987) Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia, USA. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 89(1), 24–30. Available at http://
  • Kondratieff, B.C. & Voshell, J.R., Jr. (1979) Checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Entomological News, 90(5), 241–246.
  • Kondratieff, B.C., Verdone, C.J. & Roble, S.M. (2017) New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Virginia, U.S.A. Perla, 35, 22–27. Available at
  • Mingo, T.M., Courtemanch, D.L. & Gibbs, K.E. (1979) The aquatic insects of the St. John River drainage, Aroostook County, Maine. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletins, 92, 1–22.
  • Myers, L., Kondratieff, B.C., Mihuc, T.B. & Ruiter, D.E. (2011) The Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), Stoneflies (Plecoptera), and Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Adirondack Park (New York State). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 137(1+2), 63–140. Available at http://
  • Navás, R.P.L. (1918) Neuropteros nuevos o poco conocidos. (Decima serie.). Mem. Acad. Barcelona, 14, 339–366.
  • Neves, R.J. (1978) Seasonal Succession and Diversity of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Factory Brook, Massachusetts. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Devoted to Entomology in General, 86(3), 144–152. Available at http://
  • Newman, E.A. (1839) On the Synonymy of the Perlites, together with brief charaters of the old and of a few new species. Art. IV. Magazine of Natural History, 3(25), 32–37, 84–90. Available at
  • Ricker, W.E. (1936) New Canadian perlids (Part II). The Canadian Entomologist, 67, 256–264. [1935]
  • Robertson, D.J. (1984) The aquatic insect community in Penitentiary Glen, a Portage Escarpment stream in northeastern Ohio. The Ohio Journal of Science, 84, 113–119. Available at http://
  • Stark, B.P. & Gaufin, A.R. (1976) The nearctic species of Acroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 49(2), 221–253. Available at
  • Tarter, D.C. & Kirchner, R.F. (1980) List of the Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of West Virginia. Entomological News, 91(2), 49–53. Available at
  • Tarter, D.C. & Nelson, C.H. (2010) New state, county, and drainage basin records of West Virginia (USA) stoneflies (Plecoptera). Entomological News, 121(2), 159–162. Available at
  • Tarter, D.C., Chaffee, D.L. & Grubbs, S. (2006) Revised checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Kentucky, U.S.A. Entomological News, 117(1), 1–10.
  • Verdone, C.J., Kondratieff, B.C., DeWalt, R.E. & South, E.J. (2017) Studies on the stoneflies of Georgia with the description of a new species of Soyedina Ricker, new state records and an annotated checklist. Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 13(3), 30–49. Available at
  • Wang, Y., Cao, J. & Liu, Z. (2020) The complete mitochondrial genome analysis of a stonefly, Acroneuria carolinensis (Plecoptera: Perlidae). 5(3), 2777–2778. Available at

Descendants and synonyms


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