Nomenclature (7)

  • Allocapnia fumosa Ross, 1964: 174.

    Holotype; male; d8a513d8-e6e7-4fba-8873-2c6867fb1105; deposited at: Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS); United States: Tennessee: Great Smoky Mountain National Park, 2 miles west of Gatlinburg

  • Allocapnia fumosa Ross, 1964 in Illies, 1966: 123.
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Allocapnia fumosa Ross, 1964 in Kondratieff & Kirchner, 1987: 27.
  • Allocapnia fumosa Ross, 1964 in Kondratieff, Verdone & Roble, 2017: 25.

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Illies, J. (1966) Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich – Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen., 82, 1–631.
  • Kondratieff, B.C. & Kirchner, R.F. (1987) Additions, taxonomic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia, USA. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 89(1), 24–30. Available at http://
  • ... Show all ... (3)
  • Kondratieff, B.C. & Voshell, J.R., Jr. (1979) Checklist of the stoneflies (Plecoptera) of Virginia. Entomological News, 90(5), 241–246.
  • Kondratieff, B.C., Verdone, C.J. & Roble, S.M. (2017) New records of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from Virginia, U.S.A. Perla, 35, 22–27. Available at
  • Ross, H.H. & Ricker, W.E. (1971) The classification, evolution, and dispersal of the winter stonefly genus Allocapnia. Illinois Biological Monographs, 45, 1–166. Available at
  • Ross, H.H. (1964) New species of winter stoneflies of the genus Allocapnia (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Entomological News, 75(7), 169–177. Available at
  • Zwick, P. (1973) Insecta: Plecoptera Phylogenetisches System und Katalog. Das Tierreich – Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen., 94, 465 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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