
Alloperla oregonensis Frison, 1935 type species by original designation of Sweltsa Ricker, 1943

Nomenclature (16)

  • Alloperla (Sweltsa) Ricker, 1943: 135.

    type species by original designation Alloperla oregonensis Frison, 1935 in Ricker, 1943

  • Sweltsa Ricker, 1943 in Illies, 1966: 450, 456.
  • ... Show all ... (12)
  • Sweltsa Ricker, 1943 in Mo, Ye, Wang & Li, 2020
  • Sweltsa Ricker, 1943 in Mo, Wang, Cao, Wang, Li & Murányi, 2022

Nomenclature references (16)

  • Bogan, M.T., Hwan, J.L. & Carlson, S.M. (2015) High Aquatic Biodiversity in an Intermittent Coastal Headwater Stream at Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California. 89(2), 188–197.
  • Chen, Z.-T. & Du, Y.-Z. (2018) A checklist and adult key to the Chinese stonefly (Plecoptera) genera. Zootaxa, 4375(1), 59–74. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4375.1.2
  • ... Show all ... (12)
  • Illies, J. (1966) Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich – Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen., 82, 1–631.
  • Isobe, Y., Yoshimura, M. & Oishi, T. (2008) Stonefly Eggs in the Sandy Shore and the Ecological Importance of an Ovoid. In International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography, and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. pp. 51–60. Available at http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/11081.php
  • Kondratieff, B.C. & Baumann, R.W. (2009) A contribution to the knowledge of Sweltsa exquisita (Frison) and S. occidens (Frison) and description of a new species of Sweltsa from the northern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 5(3), 20–29. Available at http://illiesia.speciesfile.org/papers/Illiesia05-03.pdf
  • Li, W.-H., Yang, J. & Yao, G. (2014) Review of the Genus Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) in China. Journal of Insect Science, 14(1), 286. Available at http://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieu148
  • Mangum, F.A. (1999) Rotenone Effects on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of the Strawberry River, Utah: A Five-Year Summary. 14(1), 125–135. Available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02705060.1999.9663661
  • Mo, R., Wang, Y., Cao, J., Wang, G., Li, W.-H. & Murányi, D. (2022) Two complete mitochondrial genomes of the subfamily Chloroperlinae (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) and their phylogenetic implications. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 80, 155–168. https://doi.org/10.3897/asp.80.e78173
  • Mo, R., Ye, J., Wang, G. & Li, W.-H. (2020) The first record of the family Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, with description of a new species of Sweltsa Ricker, 1943. Zootaxa, 4853(2), 275–282.
  • Mtow, S. & Machida, R. (2018) Egg structure and embryonic development of arctoperlarian stoneflies: a comparative embryological study (Plecoptera). 76(1), 65–86.
  • Nye, K.C. & Stark, B.P. (2010) A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of the Epiprocts of Western North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 6(18), 248–255. Available at http://illiesia.speciesfile.org/papers/Illiesia06-18.pdf
  • Ricker, W.E. (1943) Stoneflies of southwestern British Columbia. Indiana University Publications Science Series, 12, 1–145.
  • Stark, B.P. & Baumann, R.W. (2018) Two new stonefly species in the Sweltsa coloradensis (Banks, 1898) complex (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 14(2), 30–43.
  • Stark, B.P., Kondratieff, B.C., Kirchner, R.F. & Stewart, K.W. (2011) Larvae of Eight Eastern North American Sweltsa (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research, 7(4), 51–64. Figures 1–40. Available at http://illiesia.speciesfile.org/papers/Illiesia07-04.pdf
  • Surdick, R.F. (2004) Chloroperlidae (the sallflies). Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, 14(4), 1–60.
  • Yang, D. & Li, W.-H. (2018) In Species Catalogue of China. Vol. 2. Animals, Insecta (III), Plecoptera. Science Press, Beijing. front matter + 71 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


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