
Phryganea fusca Linnaeus, 1758 type species by ruling by the Commission of Leuctra Stephens, 1836

Nomenclature (42)

  • Nemoura (Leuctra) Stephens, 1836: 144.

    type species by ruling by the Commission Phryganea fusca Linnaeus, 1758 in Iczn, 1968

  • Nemoura (Leuctra) Stephens, 1836 in Walker, 1852: 180.
  • ... Show all ... (38)
  • Leuctra Stephens, 1836 in Hlebec, Sivec, Podnar & Kučinić, 2022: 14, 18.
  • Leuctra Stephens, 1836 in Metzger, Grubbs & Johnson, 2022

Nomenclature references (39)

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Descendants and synonyms


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